الاثنين، 23 أكتوبر 2017

Google reveals the secret behind the magnificence of the images taken with camera Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL

When Google announced the new phones Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL on October 4, confirmed that the imaging system enjoyed by the camera in both phones is the best of its kind among all the smart phones available in the markets, Later, Google revealed a set of images taken with a camera camera phones 2, showing the strength and magnificence of the camera, which confirmed by all tests specialized in smart phones cameras.

So, in its announcement of the quality of a camera phone, Google did not disclose the secret behind the power of the new phone camera, but this mystery was revealed today, and can be described as a visual Pixel Visual Core.

Pixel Visual Core is the first processor of the SOC class developed and manufactured by Google for consumer products. The goal of this processor is to support the HDR + feature of the camera 2 pixels camera, and represents the real secret behind the magnificence of its images, Image below) from 8 modules called IPU, adding to another ARM Cortex-A53 unit at the top left of the processor chip.

Each optical pixel processor unit supports HDR + differently. The output is 5 times the normal speed with 10/1 less power consumption, as well as support for image capture resolution, resulting in the models we saw earlier in Google .

The new 2x and 2x pixel phones are the first phones supported by this new processor on their main panel, but they are not fully operational. The phone operating system is not yet configured with an application that allows all processor capabilities to be released. To work and launch it in the next few months, and Google will open the processor programming source to allow the developers of the applications of the camera to use it at full capacity, as Google will allow developers to see the programming of the processor in conjunction with the release of the test version of Android operating system Orio 8.1.

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