السبت، 21 أكتوبر 2017

BackLinks : What is the degree of importance in the SEO

SEO experts in the world disagree about the importance that BackLinks should be given. Taking into account that Google and other search engines use 200 workers to rank sites on the results, including your site of course. But what is interesting is that one of those 200 factors that have sparked a wide controversy in the field of SiO are BackLinks.

Define BackLinks
Simply backlinks a site that integrates a link to another site. It is not just a plain web link or a site name like this. But it is a linkable compression, that is, the link was incorporated into the post in the code,

Date of link building

In the early days of search engines, backlinks were everything. In the beginning, you could create a website that includes every link on the Internet, and whenever you search for a keyword in Google you will find your site is the first in the results. This is because search engines were still new, and have not yet adapted their algorithms to match today's tools.

At one time, backlinks had a bad reputation in the world of SEO and people thought that Google gave less credibility to using this link. So today you can find services that will give you 5000 backlinks. For example, your site will skip everyone in search results because thousands of servers with thousands of useless sites have been created for this purpose. But the problem is with the passage of several weeks your site will collapse in the Sioux and will not come back again.

This is because Google did not give up the idea of backlinks; It has improved and categorized it according to its quality and has used several tools for this purpose.

How do Google algorithms handle your site?

Google relies heavily on backlinks. The purpose is to help these logarithms Google to know what is used in your content.

Remember that, this is the only algorithm, it does not know if all your content is good. But enough is enough for people to do it well, and add it to their posts in other sites so Google will know the quality of the content.

But Google does not just rely on the number, it also depends on the quality of backlinks, and this is the hardest paragraph here. We do not really know how Google can determine that, and they can not say anything about it. In some cases, the results may indicate something and thus we may improve the quality, but from time to time we will get lost in it.


When thinking about backlinks, you should remember three things that are closely related to them:

The power of your site.
Understanding these things will greatly help you understand the value of backlinks and their impact on your site. Let's mention an example until we find it good.

Let's say you have a friend who works in a sports television channel and you have a small computer maintenance company, for example, in your city. Your friend has decided to help you with a blog post on his channel site. It will then integrate a link to your company's website.

Google will now brush this link and see that the channel site has great power, but the relevance is very weak because the channel is a sports field but your site is talking about computers. As soon as your site is archived, it will be recognized that the channel you mentioned and your site do not share many things. This does not prevent Google from increasing your ranking in results, but this type of backlinks is not strong backlinks and therefore the article will have a weak impact.

On the other hand, let's say that you have another friend who owns a site that talks about computer parts and information, and mentioned your site in one of his posts about the best 100 computer repairmen. This may be hello from your friend, but you will not see the results in the short term. This example may be identical to the three things you mentioned, but because the site was created a short time ago, it may not contain many backlinks on its site. Google will not see this as a powerful singer, but you'll see it on the trust side, because it may not give you full confidence in it.

The value of the backlinks does not come from the value of the site only:

The value of the backlinks does not come from the power of the site itself. There are many factors that must be considered.

In the SEO industry there were many problems in the early days, "as we mentioned in one of the paragraphs," you can get backlinks to your site as much as you want, it's easy, and even today is easy, you just have to create a profile, But in this case Google will not be able to understand the value of the comments for the template itself.

This was one of the problems of webmasters who are annoyed by the barrage of comments that link their sites, and most of the comments are not related to the subject matter. And here the coders began to think about code industry filtering out this kind of comment, and here the problem was worse for some.
The idea was born to create a barrier to these comments. Since blogs wanted people to leave a useful comment and a good link, the coders blocked any comment that contained a link, because the system considered it a "publicity" for a site. Everyone thought that the comments had no value in SEO because they would not bother too much, and they were fairly correct.

Now what I want to say is something much different in the field of SEO. Google may actually give some relevance to the relevance of the topic in some of these posts. Because some of these comments may improve the SEO of your site.

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