السبت، 21 أكتوبر 2017

Reverse engineering defines what its uses are

Reverse engineering defines what its uses are

Reverse engineering is itself a science used by software scientists and source code, either for a particular program or tool, so that you can find the concept of reverse engineering in many advanced fields such as biology and physics where reverse engineering of biological machines or machines of the physical world, But in computer science reverse engineering is your input to the science of computer construction and engineering.

What is reverse engineering?

Reverse engineering is a mechanism for discovering the technological principle of a tool or system by analyzing its structure, function, and mode of operation. Reverse engineering is often performed in the analysis of a system or a particular mechanism: a mechanical machine, a computer program, an electronic piece. "By deconstructing and analyzing how it works in order to access the manufacture of a similar system that performs the same function without copying the original. Reverse engineering is a branch of software engineering. It starts with a specific program that is analyzed and understood in a way that makes it easier for programmers to develop and even maintain and reuse.

What are the uses of reverse engineering?

For example, if a company loses its design files to a device and the engineer who designs this device is not available or can not be reached and the company wanted to modify or develop this device Here the engineer responsible to reverse engineer this device to discover its components and how to connect them with some and then modify it.

As well as some companies are doing the reverse engineering of the competing companies to learn about the development of the competition and the technology used by the companies.

And when we want to make a copyrighted device that we reverse engineer to understand the mechanism of work and then to manufacture a similar device in the way of work but with components of our choice and circles of our design as we understand the device that we reverse engineering it and thus we have emerged from the dilemma of property rights.

The most pervasive area of reverse engineering is the domain of software to understand how the program works to create a similar program, to break the coding of the program or to crack and keygen.

 One of the countries that benefited from reverse engineering is China as a model and reached what it has reached today.

Reverse engineering in software:

Is a branch of software engineering, consisting of a total of techniques and tools used to launch the program in progress and access to a model or scheme allows to understand the composition of the composition of the program and behavior and the way of work.

  The basic objective is to understand the program from the formative side and how to execute the program. This makes it easier for programmers to develop and maintain old programs, break the protection of programs that need to be licensed and also reuse some parts in new programs that need experience in dealing with memory,

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