الاثنين، 23 أكتوبر 2017

Google and Neverware are looking to convert our older devices into ChromeBook devices

Neverware has announced that it has secured a new funding cycle led by Google. The company has not announced the amount it has been able to obtain, although it is expected to be at least $ 6.5 million, the amount the company received in its first financing session, which contributed to Google Also the largest share.

Neverware is developing the CloudReady platform, based on the same open source as the Chrome OS OS kernel. Those who want to use this platform will be supported by Google's cloud-based computing and storage platform across the Chrome Enterprise platform.

In 2011, when the company first appeared, its founder, Jonathan Hefter, focused on transforming old computers into virtual computers, and then introduced an old Dell system that Run Windows 7.1, the latest operating system from Microsoft.

In 2015, after several schools turned their devices into Chromebox devices, Neverware decided to move to develop its software on the core of Google software, announcing CloudReady, which has spread to more than 1,000 schools across the United States and 21 other countries worldwide. .

Demand for special Neverware software is expected to increase as schools go to inexpensive devices that include free or discounted operating systems at the very least, but will the company be able to co-operate with Google to capture higher percentages of this market from Microsoft's first supporter of such Projects? The answer will result in the next few months.

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